Our heart is flooded with many desires for happiness. However, most of these desires are unfulfillable due to the limitations of time, financial resources, bodily capacity and other practical constraints. Still, desires are our primary driving agents without which our lives would become insipid, even inert. So, we don’t like to accept the reality that our desires are unfulfillable. We prefer to settle instead for fulfilling our desires partially. Among our many desires, we try to fulfill as many desires as possible; and within each desire, we try to fulfill it as much as possible. But such partial fulfillment never satisfies us; it is like a consolation prize for the heart that barely fills a small corner of the inner void.

Gita wisdom offers us a way to provide our hearts something much better than a consolation prize: the champion prize. The Bhagavad-gita (10.41) describes that any worldly object that evokes our desires gets its attractiveness from a spark of Krishna’s supreme all-attractiveness. As the attractiveness of any such object is just a fragmental, if not infinitesimal, portion of Krishna’s attractiveness, the fulfillment provided by even the best of such worldly objects is a fragmental, if not infinitesimal, portion of what Krishna can provide us. Thus, all worldly objects are like consolation prizes for our heart, whereas Krishna is like the champion prize.

All of us have the power to redirect our desires from worldly objects to Krishna. The process that best facilitates this redirection is devotional service. When we render devotional service to Krishna, he mercifully makes himself fully and joyfully manifest to us in our hearts, thereby filling it with satisfaction. Thus does our heart attain the champion prize.

Why lose the champion prize for the sake of consolation prizes? 

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Text 14

“O Kṛishna, I totally accept as truth all that You have told me. Neither the demigods nor the demons, O Lord, can understand Your personality.”

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Source : http://www.gitadaily.com/2012/03/26/our-heart-deserves-more-than-a-consolation-prize/

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