Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
We may find Krishna’s pastimes of magically killing demonsfantastic. Yes, they are fantastic, in the sense that they demonstrate his capacities to effortlessly accomplish feats that would be impossible for us humans. Krishna’s deeds may be fantastic, but...
Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
“Why am I not advancing fast enough?” This question sometimes troubles our hearts and makes us feel dissatisfied with our spiritual lives. This dissatisfaction can lead us to unwittingly playing the blame game in which we try to find a scapegoat for our...
Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
Few consumer products shape the contemporary home as much as a television. Few images represent a contemporary family better than a group of people, physically cloistered and emotionally distanced, huddled around a TV, staring, cheering, glaring and leering at the...
Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
Love is not just a feeling, but also a doing; not just an emotion, but also an action. In fact, love as a feeling is the root that grows and blossoms into the flower of love as an action. And, paradoxically, love as an action acts as the root that grows and blossoms...
Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
All of us have experience of times when our impulses overpower our values and goad us into actions that we regret later. How do our impulses become so brutally strong? This, in fact, is the question that Arjuna asks Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita (3.36). Gita wisdom...
Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
We often presume that to become happy, we need lots of wealth. However, the pursuit of wealth as a source of happiness inevitably frustrates us due to one of the three Us: 1. Unattainable: We may crave and strive to acquire lots of wealth, but due to external...