Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
Rampant corruption and blatant inequitycharacterize our current socioeconomic system. What is their cause? They are symptoms of the materialistic fanaticism afflicting humanity. Just as religious fanatics care for nothing and no one except their twisted religious...
Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
Our current materialistic culture impels us to lead lives characterized by rapidity and vapidity: Rapidity: In the rapid mode, we are in a tearing hurry to get things done, to somehow cope with the pressure of the many items that jump out at us from our to-do...
Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
Whenever things go wrong in life, we can generally do something to set them right. But when death strikes, there’s nothing that we can do to set it right; the finality of death is unappealable. All that we try, cry, lie and die for is taken away from us in one...
Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
We may hesitate to adopt authentic scripture-based spirituality because of the fear that we will have to give up too many worldly pleasures. Such fears stem from an unduly negative focus in spiritual life. Let’s see how. In order to stay away from temptations,...
Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
We may sometimes feel a void within. This sense of incompleteness, even emptiness, in our hearts is due to our not having a satisfying object for our love. We generally offer our love to the people and things of the world, but experience soon reinforces what we...
Dec 5, 2013 | Articles
We may sometimes feel fed up of the way things are going in our life; at such times, we feel mentally tired even when we are not physically tired. What causes this mental tiredness? Among its various causes, a common, major, and avoidable cause is the indiscriminate...